Sip based Solutions and Products

Saturday, 02 22nd

Last updateMon, 26 Oct 2015 6pm

Freeswitch Wholesale VoIP Billing System


Freeswitch Wholesale VoIP Billing Solution with White Label Joomla CMS


Carrmin Whole sales VoIP Billing Solution

Make your own VoIP Business!

Freeswitch is a Cross Platform with multi protocol support. We got the knowledge from all open source and commercial billing systems that exists arround and we developed our own Wholesale VoIP Billing System based on the Freeswitch which supports unlimited Resellers and unlimited Customers, unlimited DID numbers and unlimited simultaneous calls. Now you can build your VoIP Businnes, create your resellers network, sell voip time, voip trunks and DID numbers.

Each Reseller get a Pre-Configured Jooomla installation with default template, each customer of resellers use that joomla which interconnect under secure connection and credentials with the main system.

Owner of the Wholesale VoIP Billing system is responsible to create and activate accounts of each reseller. Installation will be on a Centos Dedicate Server and it will support up to 2000 simultaneous calls which we can increase by adding second dedicate server.

Why Joomla? : Joomla is the most powerful CMS, almost everybody is able to manages and to make his own web site. Our solution is not installed as Component, It just use only the accounting system of Joomla. In that way, we are able to put our Solution under any CMS. Every Reseller can use last version of Joomla and each Customer is not able to recognize that is under a reseller!

Visit official Web site of Carrmin Solution


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 Carrmin Whole sales VoIP Billing Solution


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